Graywinter Watch Is Zephyr male or female? The bow should be recoverable in the evidence chest inside the prison. If Auriel’s Bow is in your inventory when you’re arrested during The Forsworn Conspiracy, the bow will be lost and will not be returned at the end of the quest. It has the base damage of a Dwarven Bow and a big attack speed boost in it’s enchant. It’ll be a dwarven bow with a base damage of 14 and the unique enchantment no matter what. Is Zephyr a leveled bow?Īt which level do you recommend I get the ”Zephyr” bow for a combat archer? It doesn’t scale, so you can get it whenever you want.
Especially if you’re playing on PC with mods. You may find that a dragonbone or daedric bow is favorable, though, since you can customize your enchants that way. Yes, Zephyr has the highest DPS out of any bow. The three fastest bows in the game in terms of draw speed share a common speed of 1.0, the fastest speed: Zephyr, from the Dawnguard quest “Lost to the Ages” Auriel’s Bow, acquired at the end of the Dawnguard quest “Touching the Sky” and Froki’s Bow, a unique long bow found in Graywinter Watch that is obtained at the … Is Zephyr worth it in Skyrim? What is the fastest firing bow in Skyrim? It’s requirement, the Daedric Smithing perk, doubles the improvement level on it. The armor is displayed in the Daedric section of the crafting menu. The set may only be forged at the Skyforge once the Companions’ main questline has been completed and Eorlund Gray-Mane has been spoken to about the forge. The best Bows and Crossbows in Skyrim Weapon